Ballast water - announcement for discharge

Brief description of the online service: By using the service "Ballast water - announcement for discharge" you can announce and proove the compliance with the legislation of ballast water in Hamburg. The service is based on the legislation in the Hafenverkehrsordnung § 41 a-c in association with § 8, 10, 13 and 18 of the federal water act as well as Hamburger Water Act.
To start the online service, click on the following "Hier starten"-button.

Hier starten

Welche Voraussetzungen muss ich erfüllen?

Zur Nutzung dieses Dienstes ist keine Registrierung erforderlich.

What conditions do I need to meet? No service account is necessary.

Wie hoch sind die Kosten?

What does it cost? There are no fees.

Wie lange dauert die Bearbeitung durch mich?

How long does it take you to fill in the application? approx. 10-15 minutes

Wie lange dauert die Bearbeitung durch uns?

How long does it take us to process the application? A notification will be received after a maximum of four (4) hours.

Fragen zum Thema Hilfe & Datenschutz

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